Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Goings-on in the A J Studio

After a half-year of health issues it's a huge pleasure to sink into a creative space again in the studio. I rearranged my furniture a bit, cleared some wall space, and embarked on a set of light and pretty abstracts just for fun and practice. Meanwhile of course we have the Saturday and Tuesday life drawing group which has become my absolute favorite thing, rivaled only by my early morning yoga and dip in the ocean at Kehena Beach.
My collectors Brook and Greg showed up at the studio to pick up my "Blue Surfer" painting. It's a scene of the Red Road, rendered in a very stylized palette of highlights pulled out of an overall royal blue field. I don't know the surfer dude but he happened to walk by one day when I was doing another version of the view, so I snapped his picture.

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