Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Lovely Model

We had a beautiful young model today for our drawing group, with a natural sense of grace and very big dreadlocks. These are 20 minute studies:
I'm also indulging in my secret passion and ambition for abstraction; here is the latest attack on an old canvas I keep reworking. A friend pointed out that it looks a lot like Synchronism, a style that was popular in the twenties. He was helped out in this observation by a book on American Synchronism that happened to be on my worktable where I've been studying it.....
These last four are studies in collage, acrylic and pastel on paper. I get very seduced by the prettiness and the sherbert colors, and there is a huge challenge to making them go beyond the look of a wallpaper or fabric design! If you have suggestions email me at please.

1 comment:

Mark Granlund said...

This is very good work. And a very nice blog. Thanks for keeping at it and sharing it with the rest of us.