Monday, March 01, 2010

tsunami excitement

I woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of an incredibly loud, low-flying gigantic aircraft roaring overhead at 6 AM, followed by the anxiety-producing siren blaring near our neighborhood. I figured that we wouldn't be allowed to drive into Hilo, so I had a philosophical (i.e.neglectful) reaction to the idea of a tsunami ploughing up Waianuenue Avenue and busting down our gallery door. But while those of us down in lowest Puna (Tuko and I) lolled about in my studio enjoying our life drawing session, Gail was hard at work with a small gang of friends and family rescuing all the precious artworks threatened by the coming tidal wave.

As it turned out the wave did not rise very high, and so on Sunday we showed up at the freakishly stripped-down gallery and re-assembled the display with the help of Gail's beautiful daughter Sanoe. Hats off to Gail and her award-winning efforts on our behalf. Here's a photo of her recent painting of Sanoe dressing up for a hula performance.

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