Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sketches for a Legend

I did some sketches for a hotel project I might get to do. The painting would be a large one for behind a reception desk, so a Hawaiian legend was proposed. I enjoy doing sketches of this sort because one can give free play to the imagination within the bounds of what one knows of the tradition. The hard part comes later when you have to make sure everything fits in with some accuracy and with no insult to the culture. These images are from the story of Pele and Hiiaka, where Pele travels in her spirit body and dazzles the court of Lohi'au, prince of Kaua'i. Later Hi'iaka, Pele's sister, must bring Lohi'au back to life from where his body has been hidden high on the Napali cliffs. Then finally I sketched the two of them descending back to the shore on a rainbow, which is one version of the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha Arthur,
I love your art work and congratulations on your pending commission. I am familiar with this myth which has several versions... Above sketches express beautifully a mystery and romance of the islands.

P.S. We painted together Plein Air 1.5year ago around November.
Renata Walczuk